Join the movement
Bee Smart
Bee Smart

It is easier to co-create a sustainable future and social well-being with the help of information.

Learn: read a book, google it, attend workshops. What information changed your life?

Bee kind
Bee kind

Kindness and love for our neighbours bring us closer. Together we are stronger!

Be kind: help a fellow man, encourage friends, do a good job. Who are you going to brighten your day today?

Bee active
Bee active

We build big changes with small actions.

Be active: walk, dance, swim, run. What challenge will you overcome today?


Bee Smart

Discovery of piles on the Ljubljana Marshes in 1875

On July 28, 1875, breaking news hit the front page of the newspaper Slovenski narod. The title read: The Great Find. In fact, it was. Dragotin Dežman was excavating near Ig on the edge of Ljubljana when he discovered the now known Ig pillar dwellings. They have been a part of the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2011.


What wisdom, activity or advice does this day bring you?

Bee Active

Red Lipstick day

Be a radiant image of confidence and power. Girls put on your brightest shade of lipstick and conquer the world!

Bee Smart

International Day of Friendship

How about an analogue meet with your friends? Talk to a stranger – this person might be your new friend – You just have to get to know them first. Just a thought: you can never have too many friends or too many shoes.

Bee Active

Avocado Day

Avocado. Love or hate? The ancient Aztecs first cultivated this growingly popular fruit, and today it has captured many hearts. Not only has it found its way on more plates than ever, but it's also becoming more popular as an ornament on clothes, accessories, notebooks, and even cars. Have you seen the avocado car? Look carefully – you just might!

Bee Active

The Slovenian Mountain Trail SPP was opened in 1953

In Slovenia, trekking and mountaineering come with a long tradition. On this day in 1953, the first connecting hiking trail in the Alps was created. It was named The Slovenian Mountain Trail or The Transversal. It provides 599 km of hiking trails and breath-taking views.

Bee Smart

Dinosaurs Day

Dinosaurs ruled the world for more than 100 million years, but they mysteriously became extinct about 65 million years ago. The first and most exciting dinosaur site in Slovenia was discovered during the motorway construction near Kozina, right on this day in 1999.

Bee Smart

Watermelon Day

On this hot summer day, let's enjoy a sweet meal and put some watermelon on your menu. Do you need more interesting facts: watermelon is actually a vegetable, and its content contains as much as 90% water. Watermelon is rich in potassium, vitamin A and C, so don´t spare and cut a large piece.

Bee Kind

Assistance Dog Day

Assistance dogs – this is their day. Those are the dogs that support people with disabilities and help them to facilitate their everyday. Find out where the closest school for assistance dogs is and do what you can: get to know the dogs, their work, help taking care of them or spend a day with a disabled person that owns an assistance dog – you might make both of them happy.